Fauna GQL Upload

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Config file

If you need to customize paths or set a different environment variable name for your secret key, you can create a configuration file called .fauna.json in your project root. The name of this file can be customized using the --config command-line option (see Command-line options for more info).

It takes the following properties:

Property Default Description
schemaPath fauna/schema.gql Path to your GraphQL schema.
secretEnv FGU_SECRET The key used to access your FaunaDB database.
region Whichever endpoint works with the provided secret Specify the region group that your database belongs to. Possible values are: eu, us, classic, preview and local.
mode merge Specify the schema upload mode. Possible values are: merge, override and replace
apiEndpointEnv FGU_API_ENDPOINT Environment variable for custom api endpoint, useful for local development
graphqlEndpointEnv FGU_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT Environment variable for custom graphql endpoint, useful for local development
tsconfigPath tsconfig.json Path to a tsconfig.json file.
envPath .env Path to the environment file that holds your secretEnv
fnsDir fauna/functions Path to directory that holds your FQL UDFs.
indexesDir fauna/indexes Path to directory that holds your FaunaDB indexes
rolesDir fauna/roles Path to directory that holds your FaunaDB roles
dataDir fauna/data Path to directory that holds your domain data.
providersDir fauna/providers Path to directory that holds your access providers.
codegen null Whether or not to generate code based on your GraphQL schema. Takes either a boolean or an object
codegen.plugins [] Any plugins you want to use with GraphQL codegen
codegen.pluginOptions {} Plugin options to apply to all plugins
codegen.documents [] Array of file paths, relative to the project root, to read queries, mutations, and subscriptions from
codegen.outputFile generated/graphql.ts File that the generated GraphQL types and operations will be written to
codegen.headers {} Any additional headers you want to include. This is usually used with preview features such as x-schema-preview: partial-update-mutation. Your secret is automatically added, so no need to include it here.
codegen.operations true Whether or not to enable the typescript-operations plugin.
codegen.typescript true Whether or not to enable the typescript plugin. Setting this to false will change your outputFile to use a .js extension, unless you've set a custom outputFile and won't generate types.

All properties are optional, you can omit .fauna.json completely if you are happy with the defaults.


The region option controls your GraphQL endpoint. The table below shows what endpoints the different options correspond to:

Option Endpoint
eu https://graphql.eu.fauna.com
us https://graphql.us.fauna.com
classic https://graphql.fauna.com
preview https://graphql.fauna-preview.com
local http://localhost:8084

For greater control over your GraphQL endpoint, ie. when using a non-standard development endpoint, use the FGU_GQL_ENDPOINT environment variable.

The region option is actually completely optional. If you do not specify it, Fauna GQL Upload will try every known endpoint with your provided secret key and use first endpoint that doesn't give a "Invalid database secret" error.

Despite this, it is recommended to set the region whenever possible.